swancam 3

Check out the weather at Swans before you come here. We have local weather for Lakewood, Washington. This live streaming webcam is a Dlink DCS-6620G. It is located in the upstairs window looking out front onto Gravelly Lake Drive. This is a conveniant way to see what the weather looks like before coming out. The island out front is the Koi pond seen on our Scrapbook and Shelties page. If picture does not appear click on broken link symbol in left top corner of Black box and download ative X, it is safe and will take about 1 minute.

If prompted use the word "guest" as the Username and Password.


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swancam 3

swancam 3

Check out our walk in store on our new live web cams. Use "guest" as the user and password. Swancam3 is a Dlink DCS-6620G, the feed is live streaming video and may be slow on dial-ups. Only 10 people can log on at once. If you do not get on please come back.

Swancam 1
Swancam 2
Swancam 3

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