HTP Cotton 6" Pre-Waxed Pre-Tabbed Candle Wicks

THE HTP SERIES is a cotton wick designed to provide the benefits of a self-trimming wick with high-performance fibers, along with other natural materials engineered into a specially constructed braid, producing a more predictable wick posture. HTPs works well in beeswax, paraffin, gel, soy & vegetable waxes. There are no performance warranties written or implied for any of our wicking products. Wick performance will vary with different waxes, colorants, and fragrance. Every Candlemaker makes different candles, ALWAYS TEST wicks before making a large purchase of wicks just to be sure you have the right wick for you & your candle formula.

HTP-105 Cotton Container Wick

Cotton Container wicks for 3.5"-4" Diam.

HTP1212 Cotton Container Wick

Cotton container wicks for 3.75"-4.25" Diam.

Wick Bar 3/4"

Wick bars are for holding the wick center while container candle cools.

Quantity: Please choose a size:
15 MM Wick Tabs
Wick Tab Supports 15mm x 3mm neck

20 MM Wick Tabs
Wick Tab Supports 20mm x 6mm neck

Standard 20mm wick tab supports. Fits most wick sizes. Best way to recycle your leftover wick clippings!

15 mm x 9 mm neck
Wick Tab Supports Safety 15mm x 9mm neck

Safety Wick Tab Supports 15mm x 9mm neck Extra long neck for Safety.


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HTP Cotton 6" Pre-Waxed Pre-Tabbed Candle Wicks

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