Dye Blocks

French Color brand Dye Blocks made for easy measure in medium to large batches. We have a color chart for the variety of shades you can make with the dye block. It is better to test your color before pouring your candles. An easy way to test the color is to pour a small amount in a tray & let it completely cool. Liquid wax will show a different shade than solid wax, so you should not judge the depth of the color when the wax is liquid as it will change once it is solid. 35 blocks equals 1 pound.

Take Advantage of our 10 for 9 special. Buy 10 8pks get one FREE. For registered customers, your color chips will be accumilated and you will be rewarded after you reach 10 8pks.

**Please note: too much coloring of any type of dye will clog a wick**

Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Brown #23

TEMP. OUT until 4/1/09 These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. MAHOGANY-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, BROWN-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, GINGERBREAD-1 block in 15 lbs of wax, AUTUMN LEAF-1/2 block in 15 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Cappuccino (yellow shade) #25

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. CAPPUCCINO-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, RUSTIC BROWN-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, CARAMEL-1 block in 15 lbs of wax, HOT APPLE PIE-1/2 block in 15 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Burgundy #5

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. BURGUNDY-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, PLUM-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, MAUVE-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Canary Yellow #9

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. CANARY YELLOW-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, SUNLIGHT YELLOW-1 block in 8 1/2 lbs of wax, LEMON CHIFFON-1/2 block in 12 1/2 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Colbalt Blue #17

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. COLBALT BLUE-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, POWDER BLUE-1/2 block in 12 1/2 lbs of wax, BABY BLUE-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Forest Green #11

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. FOREST GREEN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, GREEN-1 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Golden Honey #26

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. GOLDEN HONEY-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, WHEAT-1 block in 12 1/2 lbs of wax, VANILLA-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Hunter Green #10

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. HUNTER GREEN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, KELLY GREEN-1/2 block in 15 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Lavender #19

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. LAVENDER-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, LILAC-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, ORCHID-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Lime Green #12

TEMP. OUT until 4/1/09 These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. DARK LIME GREEN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, LIGHT LIME GREEN-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, GREEN APPLE-1/2 block in 10 lbs of wax, LIME JUICE-1/2 block in 20 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Magenta #3

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. MAGENTA-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, FUCHSIA-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, HOT PINK-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Navy Blue #18

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. NAVY BLUE-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, BLUEBERRY-1 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Orange #6

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. CANDY ORANGE-1 block in 15 lbs of wax, APRICOT-1 block in 15 lbs of wax, NAVEL ORANGE-1/2 block in 15 lbs of wax, MAIZE-1/8 block in 18.7 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Peach Blossom

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. PEACH BLOSSOMS-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, IVORY-1/2 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Pink #2

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. WATERMELON-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, DARK PINK-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, LIGHT PINK-1/2 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Pumpkin #7

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. PUMPKIN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, TANGERINE-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, PEACH-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Purple #20

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. PURPLE-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, AMETHYST-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, PURPLE ICE-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Raspberry #22

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. RASPBERRY-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, RED LILAC-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, IRIS-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Raspberry Sorbet #4

TEMP. OUT until 4/1/09 These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. RASPBERRY SORBET-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, CHERRY BLOSSOM-1/2 block in 12 1/2 lbs of wax, BABY PINK-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Royal Blue #16

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. ROYAL BLUE-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, BLUE-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, ARTIC BLUE-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Seafoam Green #14

TEMP. OUT until 4/1/09 These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. GLACIAL GREEN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, SEAFOAM GREEN-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, ROBINS EGG BLUE-1/2 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Sunflower Yellow #8

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. SUNFLOWER YELLOW-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, DANDELION YELLOW-1 block in 7 1/2 lbs of wax, LEMON YELLOW-1 block in 15 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Teal #15

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. TEAL-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, TURQUOISE-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, SKY BLUE-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Ultramarine #13

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. ULTRAMARINE GREEN-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, SEA GREEN-1 block 10 lbs of wax, EMERALD GREEN-1/2 block in 10 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:
Candle dyeblock
DyeBlock Violet #21

These dye blocks are from French Color and work well in all kinds of candle wax. The color will vary depending on the wax used. CONCORD GRAPE-1 block in 5 lbs of wax, HYACINTH-1 block in 10 lbs of wax, AFRICAN VIOLET-1/2 block in 25 lbs of wax.

$1.99 Quantity:


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Dye Blocks

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