Cotton UltraCore Wicks Votives & Tea Lights and Containers

Our Ultra Core is designed with a special filament core to give the candle maker the rigidity they need during the wax pour. Since the core of this advanced wick consists of fibers, not metal, it does not leave behind the unsightly metal core protruding from the flame as it burns. This allows the wick to self–regulate and minimizes carbon mushrooming. All wicks are available in Quantities of: 20, 100, 250, 500, 1000 per Pack

20 MM Wick Tabs
Wick Tab Supports 20mm x 6mm neck

Standard 20mm wick tab supports. Fits most wick sizes. Best way to recycle your leftover wick clippings!

Ultracore Votive Wick WC-8U

2.5" Pre Waxed Pre Tabbed

17U Ultracore Cotton 9" candle wick for 1-2" diameter candles

Ultracore cotton wick 9" tall candle wick for 1-2" diamter candles.

Ultracore Tea Light Wicks WC-7U

1.25" Pre Waxed Pre Tabbed cotton wick

Ultra Core 2.402 Container Candle Wicks

7" Ultra Core 2.175 Ultracore cotton wick 7" tall candle wick for 3"-4" diamter candles. Similar to HTP-1212 in sizing.

15 MM Wick Tabs
Wick Tab Supports 15mm x 3mm neck

15 mm x 9 mm neck
Wick Tab Supports Safety 15mm x 9mm neck

Safety Wick Tab Supports 15mm x 9mm neck Extra long neck for Safety.


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Cotton UltraCore Wicks Votives & Tea Lights and Containers

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